DIGITAL MARKETING My Experience and Observations as beginner

Hello and Welcome!

Here I am going to tell you exactly what I have learned, my personal experience and observations. as a beginner and my Journey so far 

I am learning digital marketing from the past few months. but why?
let me explain!
well, I have qualifications and experience to do forty to fifty thousands a month 9-5 jobs but that amount is not satisfying me and my worth. I want a kind of job that multiply my income with my efforts and there should be potential to grow as much as I want. right? here should not be a compromise with the only life that we have. so I am a valuable person but how I get my price. then the idea comes to me that market your self. then! how ? the how takes me to the idea of digital marketing internet marketing or online earning, affiliate marketing, blogging, youtube, facebook, social media marketing and so on... I love it this is exactly what I am looking for. So I started my journey to the world digital marketing.

let's begin

Digital Marketing my definition: 

Digital marketing is the most scientific-technical modern way of promoting a business today here you are going to show the world what you have and how much its price (and the price of your choice). if you smart enough you get your price. it has many opportunities and choices/. here the game begins the opportunity and there is a choice the choice matters most because this choice is going to show you the mirror of your self-image that what you think who you are?. remember the quote? 
"You are what You think you are" 
As I started learning and understanding Digital Marketing one myth become clear that I think, I know Digital Marketing and it's simple and easy believe me it's not as what I thought, it's a little different. what I found this is bigger and broader once I started learning let's see some of the stages  of learning the process....... one by one 

Step  1

Youtube videos how to make many online 

Here I went through all kind of online money making videos it doesn't matter who is teaching and what, to understand what are possible ways, then how I can make money faster so that I can start my passion in the internet world. here I meet tons of gurus but most of them are not willing to give genuine information they are selling there disbelieves and of quick-fix ideas and the purpose behind only is to generate traffic by showing fake eye-catching figures of earnings and the real picture is something else. when followed these ideas I got nothing but got blocked Some of my Social Media accounts and experience and now I know spammers scammer and some of the fraud cases as well and an IDEA that how I can make these fake earning proofs true to me? I said to my self, I figure it out ! just chill! get rid of all that I have learned to take only useful and real information for further process. and step 1 is done.

Step 2

Now Come to the how ?  - 

From here i changed my perception about digital marketing and started thinking like real big business.
We all know that the Public is the real BOSS or the Employer. you can not cheat her. trust me! those who tried, know this well. every successful big company following the rule. 
I asked myself a question. how I can earn the Amount of my desire with the real, legal, genuine and official way with dignity? I got an immediate response from within. The answer is simple by producing equivalent services and being honest with your self then serve the public and get your reward instead of working for someone (they get more benefit from my service than me). Because of my lack of will, I feel being cheated and harassed by these big masterminds. for example, take any of the freelancing websites and other platforms think about beginners struggle only experienced and pro persons make real money, keeping 20%+ of earning with them.

So the idea of the equivalent amount of the service is the real headache-free. it gives me a sense of satisfaction, peace of mind and self-esteem.    
My mission is to serve the world with true information Based on my experience and observations. I decided to share my knowledge which could support others.


Digital Marketing is the marketing itself everyone wants to earn more that's not bad. but how you want to generate income that is a matter of fact. in my opinion, if you are no thinking produce honest service then there are chances you being cheated by others in a dream of getting millionaire overnight. you waste your time and energy. your true potential comes out when you decide to do a greater job than you think you can and the road to riches will be shown to you. I assure you that, you will find better ways that make your journey more joyful happy and richer once you decide really decide to live your dream and make your self awesome.

Until the Next post feel free to comment anything you think 
